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Converting a long excel table into many reports


Dear Excel Gurus hi,

I have a long list of a data that shows over 4000 of incident in different locations reported by close to different 1000 person. Each row has contact (person), location, problem, description and date of a specific issue reported.

Now I have been asked to prepare a single "report" for each row.

Is it possible to formulate a tab that each time I create an a new one (report #xxxx), it automatically copies the related following datas from the data tab (Problem tracking)?

At the attachment I am sharing the excel file. "Report #xxxx" tab is the report that needs to be created thousands of times :), "Problem tracking" tab is the raw data.

I would very appreciate if you could kindly share your expertise with me.

Kind regards

Ahmet K


  • Problem Tracking Report.xlsx
    342.6 KB · Views: 6


Do You really have asked to prepare .... 4399 sheets --- hmm?
You can see one sheet in time - okay?
You could select to see needed row's data eg like this sample - check report #0001 cell G3.
If You ... need to eg print out those 4399 row's data ... then ask again.


  • Problem Tracking Report.xlsx
    345.8 KB · Views: 7
Dear vletm

Thank you for your kind and productive solution. It both gave me a better idea to solve the problem and saved a huge amount of time :). Thank you.

Kind regards.

Ahmet K.