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Conditional Formatting


Hi there I have a problem with my conditional formatting when I go to change certain colours in cells the whole sheet changes to that colour it selects every cell I am trying to put different cell colours for each golf handicap e.g 4 green,10 yellow,20 blue but it just won't have it ant ideas what has gone wrong?
... even small changes can cause huge effect or affect.
Go back to You previous situation (before 'change certain colours...')
and try to do changes 'one-by-one'. Of course, You have backups.
Or You could try to Upload it here with 'clear rules'.
vletm thanks for your reply I have already done as you suggested to no avail you see these cells already have a formula written in them to change the handicap automatically and it use to do it but for some unkown reason it has decided to stop How it works is say a player is on a handicap of say 5 and he improves his handicap to 4 it changes the number alright to four but not the colour and if I try to alter it with a new formula it selects the whole sheet and changes everything to that colour which is hopeless so I am miffed as to what to do.
vietm good morning There is nothing to upload because it is Office Conditional Formating to change colours thats all. It used to work ok but as I have said it has suddenly gone haywire?
I have tried the backup and it is exactly the same I think I will just do it manually because I am getting nowhere many thanks for your time and trouble