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Conditional formatting overwriting table style (sometimes)

In the attached file, when column B evaluates to #N/A a red font is applied, and the underlying table style shows through which is fine.

However, when column B returns a match, a green font is applied, but the underlying table style is overwritten. What is causing this?


  • Conditional Formatting Overwritting Table Style.xlsx
    14.7 KB · Views: 5

Iam sure conditional formatting rules for the green font might be conflicting with the table style.
You can try adjusting the order of the conditional formatting rules or modifying their settings to avoid this conflict. This should work

Iam sure conditional formatting rules for the green font might be conflicting with the table style.
You can try adjusting the order of the conditional formatting rules or modifying their settings to avoid this conflict. This should work

I figured it out. I went to the 'Fill' tab under formatting and clicked the 'Clear' button and that worked. Thank you.