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Conditional Formatting (IF!) on another cells Value


New Member
I've attached a file where 'd like to apply conditional formatting to DUE DATES (Column F) IF there is no value in Column K. (i.e. if the date in Column F is past due and we haven't provided a response it needs to turn red.

That is to say that if column F is past due, I want the text in that cell red.
If the value in that cell is within three days of being due, I want the text in that cell orange.
for BOTH conditions, if there is a value in column K - then conditional formatting need not apply,.

i.e. if i haven't responded to something by the date required, I need to see it's overdue. If I did, it can stay standard formatting.

Thanks so much! Learning this is so fun!


  • 8FLCL Enabling Projects Submittal Log.xlsx
    50.8 KB · Views: 3
set up 2 conditional rules

put the red rule first and use STOP if true

or 2007, 2010 , 2013 , 2016 , 2019 or 365 Subscription excel version
Conditional Formatting

Highlight applicable range >>
F14:F54 - Change, reduce or extend the rows to meet your data range of rows

Home Tab >> Styles >> Conditional Formatting
New Rule >> Use a formula to determine which cells to format
Edit the Rule Description: Format values where this formula is true:

Format [Number, Font, Border, Fill] format as required
choose the format you would like to apply when the condition is true
OK >> OK
then repeat for the yellow rule


  • 8FLCL Enabling Projects Submittal Log - ETAF1.xlsx
    50.7 KB · Views: 7