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Conditional Formatting - change color based on Dates / DOW

Dear Excel Gurus,

In the attached document I have entered Date in cell A1, formula added in cell B1: AE1.
Based on values in cell A1:AE1 cells A2:AE2 values display "ddd" format.
Conditional formatting has been done in cell A2:AE2 to change color based on Weekday and Weekend. (Fr & Sat) being considered weekend, rest weekday.

I want cell A1:AE1 also to have conditional formatting with the same above mentioned Weekend/Weekday color pattern.
How can I set this as in future value of A1 will change.

Appreciate your feedback.

Kind regards


  • Conditional Format.xlsx
    10.5 KB · Views: 6
First apply the format you wish to see for weekdays. Both rows can then be conditionally formatted with the same formula
= WEEKDAY(A$1)>5


  • Conditional Format.xlsx
    10.2 KB · Views: 9