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Compiling a list based upon a cell's value (Excel 2003)


New Member
Hi, I am working on a detailed to-do list where the first column requires a webding checkmark (which is a lowercase "a" in my case)when the task has been completed. The second column has the task description; the third column has the due date, the fourth column has a time stamp formula based upon when the first column gets the checkmark (or the lower case "a") and the fifth column has a place for misc comments. What I would like to accomplish is the following:

1. Create a separate summary of overdue tasks on another sheet. Overdue tasks are indicated by a blank cell in the first column of the to-do list. The summary will show the detailed task description from the second column of the to-do list and when the task was due based upon the due date in the third column of the to-do list.

2. On the same summary sheet as the 1st summary, I would like to have another summary that shows all unfinished tasks (blanks in the first column) using the descriptions from the second column of the to-do list.

3. I would also love the summaries to "self-update" when items on the to-do list are checked off.

Am I dreaming too big or is this actually possible? I am fairly terrible with Excel, so it's ok if you talk to me like I'm a 5 yr old.
You can use either:

1) AutoFilter, Setup a table and apply filter criteria in place

2) Array Formula, use something like `=IF(ISERROR(SMALL(IF(Sheet1!$B$2:$B$20>2,ROW(Sheet1!$B$2:$B$20)),ROW(A1))),"",

INDEX(Sheet1!$A:$A,SMALL(IF(Sheet1!$B$2:$B$20>2,ROW(Sheet1!$B$2:$B$20)),ROW(A1)))) `

3) setup a report area and extract with formulas. Refer these examples:




For more specific help can you post your file for us to assist
