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Comparing static column list and automating it


Hi All,

I have a set of task codes and its corresponding task description. Weekly i run reports based on the tast done.

Eg. A123- Milling




Each week the activity may change depending on the work and i get a list of codes that have been done for the week. Eg. A123, C235 etc.Right now i manually compare with the static values and see the match and type in the description everytime, can i automate this process by running a comparion with the static column list. I have more than 50 odd tasks and this is time consuming. Is there a formula that can help me. Appreciate your help with this.
When you say "run a report"

Is it a built in report in the workbook with a different value eg: B234-Cleaning etc

or is a summation based on all the field values:



P878-Welding etc

Can you please elaborate ?
I already get the sum of the feild values every week.

Eg. B234- 20 hours

C235-10 hours

The problem is i get only the code and hours worked from a crystal report and everytime i have to enter compare the static list and say there are 25 task out of 50 done and go throug each line item and copy the description eg:cleaning into the adjacent cell for B234 and so on.. to complete my report

to look like this

B234-cleaning - 20 hours

I hope this helped
a quick LOOKUP formula should do the trick (assuming your static column is sorted).
