no this is new queryPurushottam
Did You try to modify Yourself Your previous thread?
Extract data from merged multiple excel file to single excel file
I have more than 150 merged cells excel files naming Report, Report(1),Report(2)..etc. i want to extract data from these excel files to single excel file Both Report file and Sample file attached
In the attached, a Power Query offering which may not be very robust.
There's a cell at AA2 which is a named range FullPath. Enter here the full path to the folder.
The query only looks at .xls files whose name begins output (case insensitive) in that folder.
Right-click the table and choose Refresh.
Row 1 in the sheet is not necessary.
Thanks sir your magic worksI did say it wasn't very robust!
You have the table starting in a different column in that latest file.
See if the attached works any better.
Worked 100% Thank u so muchSilly me.