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Code to hide sheets


Dear Sir, I have this work where I have 8 sheets, named A B C D E F G H. Is it possible that the work can only hide sheets D to F and display only ABC?
Can I have 1 code that will hide sheets D E F G H, and just 1 code to unhide them all? Why? Because I don't want to hide and unhide them one by one. I wish to have a code to hide and unhide many sheets, once. Thank you.
Sub VeryHiddenSheet()
Dim e
   For Each e In Array("D", "E", "F", "G", "H")
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets(e).Visible = xlVeryHidden
   Next e
End Sub
Hi, an unique VBA procedure as a toggle :​
Sub HideUnhide()
    For Each V In [{"D","E","F","G","H"}]:  Worksheets(V).Visible = Not Worksheets("H").Visible:  Next
End Sub
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