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Code to change Pivot Table filter based on cell value



I am setting up a dashboard, and for that I would need that some Pivot Tables would filter themselves based on the value on a specific cell.

I got this code until now:

Sheets("INDEX").PivotTables("SFCClusterPT").PivotFields("cluster").CurrentPage = Range("BC21").Value

I re-checked all sheet, PTable and Field names for a mispell and also the reference cell. All seems to be OK but I still get: "Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error". With the debug I see it is that line that is causing the trouble...

The weirdest thing is that I used that code already in another worksheet as a test a couple months ago and it worked fine! I cannot understand why it is not working now.

Do you have any hints on this one?

Thanks a lot!

In the field options I unticked the "Select Multiple Items" option and now it works... damn, that took me long enough!

Thank you anyway for those who read this!