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CKD-EPI Equation 2021 in Excel

Dr Lingkan

New Member
I will be glad if anyone help me to write the attached equation in an excel spread sheet. The accuracy of the equation will be assessed in the following link:
Link 1 (MDRD equation): https:/ /www.mdcalc.com/calc/76/mdrd-gfr-equation
Link 2 (CKD-EPI Equation 2021): https:/ /www.mdcalc.com/calc/3939/ckd-epi-equations-glomerular-filtration-rate-gfr

Note: Kindly don't suggest solution link from other websites. I tried all but those did not workCKD EPI 2021.PNGMDRD_Equation.PNG
Last edited:

Dr Lingkan

Your: Note: Kindly don't suggest solution link from other websites. I tried all but those did not work

Despite You above sentence...
Have You tried to search something same from Chandoo.org?
Eg below looks same:

Dr Lingkan

Your: Note: Kindly don't suggest solution link from other websites. I tried all but those did not work

Despite You above sentence...
Have You tried to search something same from Chandoo.org?
Eg below looks same:
I saw it before. It is not my target equation. Kindly suggest as I requested.

Dr Lingkan

As I wrote ... something same.
You should get an idea from that - how to do something same with Your case.
Of course, eg Your layout would have to take care too.
Those Your given snapshots gives a lot of freedom.
Double check thoroughly the formulae and results in columns F and G in the attached.
With Excel 2016 quite hard work:
CKD-EPI Equation 2021
Could probably be streamlined.


  • Chandoo55440.xlsx
    10.3 KB · Views: 43
Double check thoroughly the formulae and results in columns F and G in the attached.
With Excel 2016 quite hard work:
CKD-EPI Equation 2021
Could probably be streamlined.
p45cal-Many many thanks. It works perfectly.