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Charts with Drill Down???


New Member
Guys, love the website, the forum has been really helpful to me over the last few months but i have a question....

Can i make drillable charts in excel? The data table is not pivoted.

I have zero Visual Basic knowledge.

Can anyone help me?? Please?!

(For info, the charts shows Load vs Capacity data, I'd like to drill on a bar in order to show what jobs make up that loading)
Hi ,

Yes , you can have drill-down in excel charts ; however , this is not possible without using VBA ; even then it involves the use of fairly advanced VBA techniques , which are explained in the following link :


Thanks buddy.

I'll be honest, my bumhole twitches with intrepidation as soon as i see VBA. I guess i need to (begin to) learn it sooner or later!!

*gulps and clicks link*