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Charting Question

matthew george

New Member
Is it develop a stack chart for both budget and actual, budget inside the stack and the outer sheel reflecting the actual for YTD period
Mathew, What your asking is a bit vague. Can you please try and clarify?
Another question regarding charts.

How can I get rid of a large blank space at the bottom of my line chart? For example:

I save a few pounds a month and have a line chart showing my savings. It starts off at £0 then next month it is £3, then £7 then £11, etc.

But if I start my savings account with an initial £1752, the first level will be £1752, then £1755, then £1759, etc - with a large blank space between £0 and £1752. How can I make the origin of the chart read £1752 instead of £0?

Select the chart and then select the Vertical Axis

Right Click and select Format Axis

On Axis Options Change the Minimum to a fixed Value of 1750