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Charting for a new dashboard


New Member
Hi there,

I manage a number of Adwords accounts for a large online travel agency. And I've built a fairly rudimentary dashboard for each market, now I would like to bring all of those markets together in one dashboard with dynamic data that can be shifted between market and timeline.

Another feature I would like to build in is the ability to compare data from different markets and/or timelines.

So step one for me will be getting a better feel of charts with dynamic data from multiple sheets. How do I create a chart where I have a dropdown box to select the data series from different sheets, all the columns are the same, only the data differs.

From here I will keep adding and building on to it and see where I go.

Here is a sample set of data I would like to use...


Thanks in advance!
Hello charl,

I have downloaded your file, review the data but not able to understand your requirement very clearly.

Can you plz answer my below questions?

1)Which Column of the data set you are referring to as market?

2)I could see there are three data sets (A,B and C).For e.g., on 11/19/2012, below are the data points in three sheets:

Day	       Week	 Campaign	Clicks
11/19/2012	47	Campaign A	209
11/19/2012	47	Campaign A	53
11/19/2012	47	Campaign A	3

Could you plz explain why we have different data points (under Clicks) on the same date and week and for the same campaign? The reason I am asking this is, from drop down if user selects the data and campaign type, which data point (of Clicks) should be picked up to reflect in the chart? Or we have to get the sum of all the clicks (from three data sheets) and reflect in the chart? Plz confirm.

3) What are parameters you want to include in the drop down while creating the chart?

4)Can you plz give some more clarity on the output layout by providing some manual example in your excel workbook?

Thanks for the reply.

When I uploaded the doc to Google it didn't take into account the different sheets, each of them represent a different market. Sorry for the confusion.

I uploaded it again, but converted the format this time. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjOf1rWqZkz2dEZKZWk4VHBMQ0lVQ2VTLUFQNGJFTEE

Initially I would like to do is have a drop a chart with data for the "Clicks" and "Conv" fields with a dropdown for each market(sheet) so that the data set of the chart can change.
