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Change the cell color if the cumulative sum exceeds compared value


Dear Excel Ninjas,

I have an excel file (please see the attached file) that I have prepared to estimate my monthly product based sales.

Next to each product, I wrote the current stock level and monthly estimated sales figures (unit)

My problem: I want to apply a conditional format that will change the color of the cell value when the cumulative sum exceeds the existing stock.

Example: On row 3 you see a product code "RLP036K0101". As of 11.01.2017 we have a stock of 2.052 unit. For Jan I predicted sale amount to be 500, for Feb 500, for March 500 and for Apr 750. I want 750 and all the following month's sales estimates to turn for instance "RED" so that I can see that my stock will only be enough for the next 3 month to cover my estimated sales.

Is there an easy way to do that?

Thank you and kind regards.

Ahmet K.


  • Supply Chain Study 2017_chandoo.xls
    65.5 KB · Views: 2
Select F2:Q148
Goto Conditional Formating
New Rule, Use a Formula
Set the format

or see attached file:


  • Supply Chain Study 2017_chandoo.xls
    72 KB · Views: 4