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Change row number is a formule

Dear all,

I have the following Excel sheet.

The tab: "MatchMessenger.matches per day" contains data that I refresh.
The aim of the tab: "Sheet 1" is to get an overview of the number of times a club has been mentioned on a rule in the datatab. So the cel "G2" gives 4 which mean that the name "TIO TIO Social Sports" has been mentioned 4 times on row 25 in the datasheet.

The problem I face is that I would like to drag the formula when I am adding new dates. Does anybody have tips on what I can do to drag the formula from 03/10 to 19/10 without having to manually change the row numbers?


  • matches-per-day.xlsx
    46.3 KB · Views: 3
  • matches-per-day.xlsx
    46.3 KB · Views: 0
Cell F2 of Sheet1:
=COUNTIF(INDEX('MatchMessenger.matches per day'!$B$2:$DE$44,MATCH(Sheet1!F$1,'MatchMessenger.matches per day'!$A$2:$A$44,0),0),Sheet1!$B2)
Copy across/down.