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Calculate Angle


Hello All,
I want to calculate from "TP" to "TP" from the code shown in column "E".
I have started to build the code but I have failed in it, I am no expert in writing code but I am still learning. can someone help?

I really appreciate any help.


  • Calculate Angle.xlsm
    16.9 KB · Views: 9
Hello, according to your attachment and Excel / VBA basics this is the way :​
Sub Demo1()
    Const F = "DEGREES(ATAN2(C#-C¤,B#-B¤))+(B#-B¤<0)*360"
      Dim Rf As Range, R&, V, L&
    With Sheet1.[A1].CurrentRegion.Columns(5)
      Set Rf = .Find("TP", , , 1):  If Rf Is Nothing Then Beep: Exit Sub
           R = Rf.Row
           V = .Item(2).Value2
      Set Rf = .FindNext(Rf)
    While Rf.Row > R
        V(R, 1) = .Parent.Evaluate(Replace(Replace(F, "#", Rf.Row), "¤", R))
        For L = R + 1 To Rf.Row + (Rf.Row < .Rows.count):  V(L, 1) = V(R, 1):  Next
        R = Rf.Row
        Set Rf = .FindNext(Rf)
        Set Rf = Nothing
       .Item(2).Value2 = V
    End With
End Sub
Do you like it ? So thanks to click on bottom right Like !​
Which version of Excel do you have? Do you have the FILTER function available to you on the worksheet?
If so, the attached contains a formula approach.
Column U is the final formula, you don't need the stuff in columns O to S, which just show my workings to get to a single formula in column S. Column U is just Column S expanded into a formula which only refers to the raw data (no 'helper' columns).
You can also, of course, filter only for TP (or delete the formulae which aren't on a TP row).

That formula for any cell in row 2:
=IFERROR(DEGREES(ATAN2(INDEX(FILTER($C2:$C$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),2)-INDEX(FILTER($C2:$C$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),1),INDEX(FILTER($B2:$B$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),2)-INDEX(FILTER($B2:$B$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),1)))+IF(INDEX(FILTER($B2:$B$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),2)-INDEX(FILTER($B2:$B$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),1)<0,360),"no pair below")
copied down.


  • Chandoo47112Calculate Angle.xlsm
    20.4 KB · Views: 4
Hello, according to your attachment and Excel / VBA basics this is the way :​
Sub Demo1()
    Const F = "DEGREES(ATAN2(C#-C¤,B#-B¤))+(B#-B¤<0)*360"
      Dim Rf As Range, R&, V, L&
    With Sheet1.[A1].CurrentRegion.Columns(5)
      Set Rf = .Find("TP", , , 1):  If Rf Is Nothing Then Beep: Exit Sub
           R = Rf.Row
           V = .Item(2).Value2
      Set Rf = .FindNext(Rf)
    While Rf.Row > R
        V(R, 1) = .Parent.Evaluate(Replace(Replace(F, "#", Rf.Row), "¤", R))
        For L = R + 1 To Rf.Row + (Rf.Row < .Rows.count):  V(L, 1) = V(R, 1):  Next
        R = Rf.Row
        Set Rf = .FindNext(Rf)
        Set Rf = Nothing
       .Item(2).Value2 = V
    End With
End Sub
Do you like it ? So thanks to click on bottom right Like !​
@Marc L
The lisp you write is great. It really works well!!
Can you give me replace result in column "M" instead of column "F" I am having little difficulty to understand your code so I am not able to replace result.

Thanks a lot for the help.
Which version of Excel do you have? Do you have the FILTER function available to you on the worksheet?
If so, the attached contains a formula approach.
Column U is the final formula, you don't need the stuff in columns O to S, which just show my workings to get to a single formula in column S. Column U is just Column S expanded into a formula which only refers to the raw data (no 'helper' columns).
You can also, of course, filter only for TP (or delete the formulae which aren't on a TP row).

That formula for any cell in row 2:
=IFERROR(DEGREES(ATAN2(INDEX(FILTER($C2:$C$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),2)-INDEX(FILTER($C2:$C$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),1),INDEX(FILTER($B2:$B$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),2)-INDEX(FILTER($B2:$B$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),1)))+IF(INDEX(FILTER($B2:$B$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),2)-INDEX(FILTER($B2:$B$31,$E2:$E$31=$E2),1)<0,360),"no pair below")
copied down.
Thanks for giving the formula and joining this thread, but I want the result in VBA code, because the VBA code to get the result doesn't hang the excel sheet while this formula may be in long row.