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break-data-example VBA Macro- by ranges


New Member

Thanks @chirayu for the tip of creating a new thread :)

I looked at the example of breaking data by chandoo. The data is divided into new excelbooks according to name of employees. I am trying to copy the same macro to my case where I am trying to divide an excel into several sheets but by a range of dates instead. I am attaching an example of how my results look like. I know that the date is not in the right format but that shouldnt be a problem because the macro will look for range of "text".

So as a summary, a user will write two dates and the macro will create a new sheet copying everything in between thsese two dates with the colums to the right as well.


  • m7709 6m.xlsx
    149.5 KB · Views: 5
try this

Sub DateSplit()

'Define Variables
Dim StDate As Variant
Dim EndDate As Variant
Dim YR As Integer
Dim MTH As Integer
Dim DY As Integer
Dim StRow As Variant
Dim LstRow As Variant
Dim Rng As Range
Dim CurrWB As String
Dim NewWB As String

CurrWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name

'Set Start Date
StDate = Application.InputBox("Date Format YYYY/MM/DD e.g. 2018/01/30", "Start Date")

If StDate = False Then
    MsgBox "Start Date Cancelled" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
    Exit Sub
ElseIf StDate = "" Then
    MsgBox "Start Date is empty" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
    Exit Sub
ElseIf Not StDate Like "####/##/##" Then
    MsgBox "Start Date is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be YYYY/MM/DD" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
    Exit Sub
    YR = Split(StDate, "/")(0)
    MTH = Split(StDate, "/")(1)
    DY = Split(StDate, "/")(2)
    If MTH >= 12 Then
        MsgBox "Start Date is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be YYYY/MM/DD" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
        Exit Sub
    End If
        StDate = DateSerial(YR, MTH, DY)
End If
    'Define End Date
    EndDate = Application.InputBox("Date Format YYYY/MM/DD e.g. 2018/01/30", "End Date")
    If EndDate = False Then
        MsgBox "End Date Cancelled" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf EndDate = "" Then
        MsgBox "End Date is empty" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf Not EndDate Like "####/##/##" Then
        MsgBox "End Date is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be YYYY/MM/DD" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
        Exit Sub
        YR = Split(EndDate, "/")(0)
        MTH = Split(EndDate, "/")(1)
        DY = Split(EndDate, "/")(2)
        If MTH >= 12 Then
            MsgBox "End Date is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be YYYY/MM/DD" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
            Exit Sub
        End If
            EndDate = DateSerial(YR, MTH, DY)
    End If
    'Find Last Row and add Date conversion formula
    LstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    Range("E2:E" & LstRow).Formula = "=IFERROR(DATE(LEFT(A2,4),MID(A2,6,2),MID(A2,9,2)),E1)"
    Range("E2:E" & LstRow).Copy
    Range("E2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    'Set Copy Range
    Range("G2") = StDate
    Range("G3") = EndDate
    Range("H2").Formula = "=MIN(MATCH(G2,E:E,0))"
    Range("H3").Formula = "=MAX(MATCH(G3,E:E,1))"
    StRow = Range("H2")
    LstRow = Range("H3")
    Set Rng = Range("A" & StRow & ":C" & LstRow)
    'Paste to different file
    NewWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Range("A2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    MsgBox "Macro completed", vbInformation, ""
End Sub
Thanks so much mate, you are awesome. Just one more thing is it possible to edit it so that hte user can enter even the time in hh:mm as well?
updated. will take just date or date and time

Sub DateTimeSplit()

'Define Variables
Dim StDate As Variant 'Start Date - for copying range and date checks
Dim StTime As Variant 'Start Time - for copying range and time checks
Dim EndDate As Variant 'End Date - for copying range and date checks
Dim EndTime As Variant 'End Time - for copying range and time checks
Dim MTH As Integer 'Month - for date checks
Dim StRow As Variant 'Start Row - for copying range
Dim LstRow As Variant 'End Row - for copying range
Dim Rng As Range 'for copying range
Dim CurrWB As String 'File to copy from
Dim NewWB As String 'File to paste to
Dim Chk As Integer 'check if time needed by user

CurrWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name

If MsgBox("Do you also want to check time?", vbYesNo, "") = vbNo Then Chk = 1 Else Chk = 2

    'Set Start Date
    StDate = Application.InputBox("Date Format YYYY/MM/DD e.g. 2018/01/30", "Start Date")
    If StDate = False Then
        MsgBox "Start Date Cancelled" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf StDate = "" Then
        MsgBox "Start Date is empty" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
        Exit Sub
    ElseIf Not StDate Like "####/##/##" Then
        MsgBox "Start Date is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be YYYY/MM/DD" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
        Exit Sub
        MTH = Split(StDate, "/")(1)
        If MTH >= 12 Then
            MsgBox "Start Date is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be YYYY/MM/DD" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
            Exit Sub
        End If
        StDate = CDate(StDate)
    End If
        'Set Start Time
        If Chk = 2 Then
            StTime = Application.InputBox("Date Format HH:MM 24 hour format e.g. 17:30", "Start Time")
            If StTime = False Then
                MsgBox "Start Time Cancelled" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                Exit Sub
            ElseIf StTime = "" Then
                MsgBox "Start Time is empty" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                Exit Sub
            ElseIf Not StTime Like "##:##" Then
                MsgBox "Start Time is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be HH:MM 24 hour format" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                Exit Sub
                StTime = CDate(StTime)
            End If
        End If
            'Set End Date
            EndDate = Application.InputBox("Date Format YYYY/MM/DD e.g. 2018/01/30", "End Date")
            If EndDate = False Then
                MsgBox "End Date Cancelled" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                Exit Sub
            ElseIf EndDate = "" Then
                MsgBox "End Date is empty" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                Exit Sub
            ElseIf Not EndDate Like "####/##/##" Then
                MsgBox "End Date is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be YYYY/MM/DD" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                Exit Sub
                MTH = Split(EndDate, "/")(1)
                If MTH >= 12 Then
                    MsgBox "End Date is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be YYYY/MM/DD" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                    EndDate = CDate(EndDate)
            End If
                'Set End Time
                If Chk = 2 Then
                    EndTime = Application.InputBox("Date Format HH:MM 24 hour format e.g. 17:30", "End Time")
                    If EndTime = False Then
                        MsgBox "End Time Cancelled" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                        Exit Sub
                    ElseIf EndTime = "" Then
                        MsgBox "End Time is empty" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                        Exit Sub
                    ElseIf Not EndTime Like "##:##" Then
                        MsgBox "End Time is in incorrect format" & vbNewLine & "Must be HH:MM 24 hour format" & vbNewLine & "Macro will now exit", vbCritical, ""
                        Exit Sub
                        EndTime = CDate(EndTime)
                    End If
                End If
                    'Combine Date & Time
                    If Chk = 2 Then StDate = StDate + StTime
                    If Chk = 2 Then EndDate = EndDate + EndTime
                    'Add Date + Time conversion formulae
                    LstRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
                    Range("E2:E" & LstRow).Formula = "=IFERROR(DATE(LEFT(A2,4),MID(A2,6,2),MID(A2,9,2)),E1)" 'Split Date from column A
                    Range("F2:F" & LstRow).Formula = "=IFERROR(MID(A2,12,5)*1,F1)" 'Split Time from column A
                    Range("G2:G" & LstRow).Formula = "=E2+F2" 'Date + Time
                    Range("E2:G" & LstRow).Copy
                    Range("E2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                    Application.CutCopyMode = False
                    'Paste Criteria
                    Range("J2") = StDate
                    Range("J3") = EndDate
                    'Paste Range check formula
                    If Chk = 2 Then
                        Range("H2:H" & LstRow).Formula = "=IF(AND(G2>=$J$2,G2<=$J$3),""A"",""B"")"
                        Range("H2:H" & LstRow).Formula = "=IF(AND(E2>=$J$2,E2<=$J$3),""A"",""B"")"
                    End If
                        Range("H2:H" & LstRow).Copy
                        Range("H2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                        Application.CutCopyMode = False
                        Range("K2").Formula = "=MATCH(""A"",H:H,0)"
                        Range("K3").Formula = "=MATCH(""A"",H:H,1)"
                        'Set Range
                        StRow = Range("K2")
                        LstRow = Range("K3")
                        Set Rng = Range("A" & StRow & ":C" & LstRow)
                        'Paste to different file
                        NewWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name
                        Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                        Application.CutCopyMode = False
                        Range("A2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                        Application.CutCopyMode = False
                        MsgBox "Macro completed", vbInformation, ""
End Sub
Man, you are the king!
It works so perfectly, I am working a bit on it to make it more applicable with buttons and so but since the code is pasting and deleting columns it is quite hard, but I will give it a try!
well. you can always change the .Delete to .ClearContents
so it clears the columns of data rather than delete the column