I have a data file of stdDev's of volatility. The .csv file can contain anywhere from 100-200 records (1 record=1 line of date,data) of date and the stdDev data. The format for each record is mm/dd/yyyy, %1.2f. The range for the stdDev is +/-5.00. I have a Python program that outputs the .csv file.
Currently, I copy/paste the stdDev data from the .csv file to a sheet in xl and then plot it as a bar chart. The y-axis of the chart contains the stdDev range (+/-5.0) and the x-axis is numbered from 1 to n, where every increment of n is equivalent to a single record date.
Currently, if I'm interested in the date of a particular stdDev I have to look at the n-increment on the x-axis and then go to the .csv file to find the date. This is not very efficient.
Here are my questions:
1. How can I shade the bar chart for each month of data? Are there control char's that I can put in the .csv file or can this be confifured througn xl?
2. Based on the format of my .csv of date, data can I put the date on the x-axis? This would replace the n-increment that I currently have. If the format of the file has to change I can easily do that.
Any ideas or suggestions you may have would be appreciated.
Currently, I copy/paste the stdDev data from the .csv file to a sheet in xl and then plot it as a bar chart. The y-axis of the chart contains the stdDev range (+/-5.0) and the x-axis is numbered from 1 to n, where every increment of n is equivalent to a single record date.
Currently, if I'm interested in the date of a particular stdDev I have to look at the n-increment on the x-axis and then go to the .csv file to find the date. This is not very efficient.
Here are my questions:
1. How can I shade the bar chart for each month of data? Are there control char's that I can put in the .csv file or can this be confifured througn xl?
2. Based on the format of my .csv of date, data can I put the date on the x-axis? This would replace the n-increment that I currently have. If the format of the file has to change I can easily do that.
Any ideas or suggestions you may have would be appreciated.