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Automating YTD Data

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New Member
Cross-posted: https://www.excelforum.com/excel-general/1419910-ytd-data-automated.html
Hi Gurus,
I am still a excel rookie - knows few this and that to manage day to day requirements but not an expert.
Attached is a monthly report prepared by us for write-offs.

Now I need to make this sheet automated all raw data should be populated to summary.
Basically now every month each sheet is prepared, what i wanted to do is entire years data should be available in one sheet and giving the audeince an option with Time Slicer to select month to see different months data.

Can someone help me on this - been trying breaking my head how to go about it.


  • Scrapping Report.xlsx
    225.4 KB · Views: 5

After looking at your problem statment what i can suggest is to automate your monthly report in Excel, you can create a summary sheet where raw data from each month is populated. Use formulas or Power Query to consolidate data.
Then, use a Time Slicer connected to a PivotTable for audience to select and view data for different months easily.
Whats say!

After looking at your problem statment what i can suggest is to automate your monthly report in Excel, you can create a summary sheet where raw data from each month is populated. Use formulas or Power Query to consolidate data.
Then, use a Time Slicer connected to a PivotTable for audience to select and view data for different months easily.
Whats say!
Sounds perfect but I need help in creating these, I need helpo with.
Cross posting is not frowned upon as long as you add a link to ALL your cross posts. As a link has been added to your original post, there is no problem. Perhaps read https://excelguru.ca/a-message-to-forum-cross-posters/ to understand the philosophy behind the rule
Question seems to have been solved at XLforum

Hi pecoflyer,

First of all I would like to apologize as to not have gone through the forum rules in full.
I read the rules on cross posting and clearly understood the reason why not to do so.

Henceforth I will make sure what I post here is not [posted elsewhere and what I post elsewhere is not posted here.

Also, I can assure you that I have not posted in any other forum other than here and the form linked below;

The question has not yet been resolved yet - that is another post.

I apologize for the inconvenience I may have caused to anyone putting the effort on my query.
Please accept my apology and excuse me.



Basically now every month each sheet is prepared, what i wanted to do is entire years data should be available in one sheet and giving the audeince an option with Time Slicer to select month to see different months data.
If only few responses then You should able to give more details.
You're asking something monthly views ... but You've given only one months data.
Without proper even sample data, there is a minor challenge to do many things.
Here few rough outputs ... with ... one month data ... which could use with more months too.
( You Cross-Posted this thread without let us know it. Do You think that makes this more interesting? )


  • Scrapping Report.xlsx
    304.3 KB · Views: 5
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