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Auto populate row data with some new values VBA code require

N Prakash

New Member

After a gap of few years, I have become active in a new job. I have lost touch to some extent that is the reason I need help from some experts.

I am entering a data in a row having column labels SL No., date, Text, Instrument number, amount. In another cell I mention the counter 1 to 90 and frequency ‘ daily, weekly, monthly, etc.

Depending on the counter the data should get populated with incrementing the Sl. No, and date should get incremented by frequency. The text will be same and Instrument number should get incremented by 1. And amount will be the same.

Can any one help me in giving a VBA code. I searched the forum for the same and I could not place my hand on any similar requirement.


  • Test POSTDATED.xlsx
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Hi, why not starting from easy beginner level Excel basics worksheet formulas ?​
As a VBA procedure using the same formulas just needs a single codeline to reproduce the same result,​
easier to code and to maintain, such a good way to learn !​
So fill first column P with days to add according to column O​
then enter formulas to row #12 then copy below until the exact expected result​
then save the workbook as binary format .xlsb​
then attach it here in order to show you the single codeline if really a VBA procedure is still necessary …​
Whatever one or several times the formulas way well works and​
if really a VBA procedure is necessary then it needs only a single codeline just reproducing the same formulas​
so this is the easy beginner way to go, easy to maintain, such a good start and such a good way to learn …​