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Apportioning values of an invoice period across the relevant months


New Member
Hi there,

I need a little help on apportioning values taken from an invoice correctly across the months the invoice covers. Here’s a simple example:


Invoice Start Date = 05/02/2012

Invoice End Date = 20/04/2012

(ie total days = 74 (ie 24 x Feb, 31 x March, 19 x April)

Electricity Consumption for period = 1,000kWh

The outputs I need would be:

Feb kWh = (24/74)*1000=324

March kWh = (31/74)*1000=419

April kWh = (19/74)*1000=257

I am trying to create a table with a layout as per below, which is able to auto-populate the applicable months with the corresponding apportioned kWh values for each invoice (COLUMNS E-I), based on the values input in columns A,B and D. The nested IF statements I am writing are getting way to out of control, hence why I have arrived here, coz I know there’s got to be a smarter way.

Can someone please help me?



Start End Days kWh Jan-2012 Feb-2012 Mar-2012 Apr-2012 May-2012

5/02/2012 20/04/2012 74 1000 0 324 419 257 0
Hi ,

Try this :


Hi mxk,

If your data is in Below Format

Start Date	End Date	kWh	Jan-12	Feb-12	Mar-12	Apr-12
05-02-12	20-04-12	1000	0	324.32	418.92	256.76
then in D2 write below Formula


In your current situation, you are excluding Start Date (February is leap in this year) and End Date too.. So please adjust the highlighted area in formula, if above (24 * Feb) is a typo error.


Thanks a million for your help Narayank991 and Debraj Roy !

Love your solutions - I’ve had a play around with both but have the following queries..

Debraj Roy:

You’re correct, thanks – (24 * Feb) was a typo.

In actual fact I need a solution which caters to 2 scenarios:

1) includes start date only

2) includes both start and end dates

I was able to modify your formula as per below to address scenario 1) above:


However, I couldn’t get it to work for scenario 2. I tried modifying the formula as per below, however I haven’t done this correctly, as it results in an overall kWh which is greater than it should be. (ie using example provided: Feb = 333.33, Mar = 413.33, Apr = 266.67, Total = 1,013.33)


(Correct Result: Feb = 328.95, Mar = 407.89, Apr = 263.16, Total = 1,000)

Would you please be able to help me to modify the formula to make this work?

(Also, INDIRECT is a new one for me, are you able to help explain how it’s being put to work in this example?)



For your formula, I modified C2 to =B2-A2 (Scenario 1) and =B2-A2+1 (Scenario 2) and modified your formula slightly as follows in order to make both scenarios work as per below:

Scenario 1)


Scenario 2)


However, the formulas don’t appear to work when the Start Date and End Dates fall within the same month.

Can you help make the appropriate adjustments?

Thanks again.

Am thinking my post above may be a little confusing. Think it implies I'm after 1 solution for 2 different scenarios...but not the case, sorry.

I'm after 2 separate formulas to address the 2 different scenarios, sorry for the confusion.
Hi ,

I am sorry if I am not able to respond ; when you make a post , I copy the sample data you give , and try to work out a solution. Once I post a solution , if there is no reply within a few hours ( say 4 to 6 hours ) I delete the trial workbook.

Now , I really don't feel like repeating all of the above viz. copying and pasting the data , using Text to Columns , copying and pasting the formula from my earlier post , or from your latest post , and then trying to work out a new solution.

If you can upload your sample workbook with the data and the formulae in it , it will save me the trouble. Otherwise , I'll leave it to Debraj to respond.

Hi Narayan - apologies for belated response - was the weekend.

I've included 3 versions of what I'm trying to achieve in file at the link below.

1) Manual calcs

2) Narayan solution

3) Debraj solution

Black text = formula required for scenario 1 (including start date/excluding end date)

Blue text = formula required for scenario 2 (including start date and end date)

Red cells/text = unable to get formula to work.

Hi ,

Thanks for uploading your file ; will save us time.

I have a doubt ; how do you switch between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 ? When will you use Scenario 1 and when will you use Scenario 2 ? Or should the formula be developed for both scenarios , since it is not possible that one formula will cater to both scenarios ?

Hi mxk,

to Include both Start date and End Date use below Formula.


As you have already decoded the FORMULA correctly..

When you want to Include both Start Date & End Date, Highlighted Area gives you answer as difference between two date, and you want to include End date too.. Please add +1 with the above to get result correctly. :)

i.e. Difference between 1st Jan and 2nd Jan is 1, where you need answer as 2.


Hi Narayan and Deb,

No probs - I will upload files in future..much easier.

Narayan - I won't be switching between scenario 1 and 2. You're correct - I'm wanting to develop a 2 separate formulas to cater for the 2 different scenarios I've encountered. They will be used on separate projects, dependent on invoice format of the supplier for each.

Deb has helped me adjust her formula to get scenario 2 functioning correctly now, but if possible, I'd still love to learn how to adjust your formulas to cater for the single month invoice, just for my own learnings.

Deb - thanks so much. Understand and have got your formula working now. Thanks :)