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Appearance formula


Hi There
Long time no see been away for a few months But I was wondering if you could help me out with a formula to obtain player appearances through out the season so every time a player is selected to play in a tournament it chalks up against his name so by the end of the tournament season the best ones will have something like 18 or so. many thanks in advance.
Can you upload sample workbook with enough data? Without it, it's impossible for anyone to give you help on the formula.
Can you upload sample workbook with enough data? Without it, it's impossible for anyone to give you help on the formula.
I have the format layout if that is any help So only four will be chosen for any one tournament and of course there will be changes for the next tournament if required.I am trying to upload this file but somehow when I press upload file it does not appear to be there baffled ?
I have the format layout if that is any help So only four will be chosen for any one tournament and of course there will be changes for the next tournament if required.I am trying to upload this file but somehow when I press upload file it does not appear to be there baffled ?


  • tournament.xlsx
    129.5 KB · Views: 3
Something like attached (see Squad sheet)?

But I'm not sure about which table should the calculation be based on.

If attached isn't what you are looking for. Can you give detail of where to look for info and what the expected result should be?


  • tournament.xlsx
    121.8 KB · Views: 9
As you can see I have tried copying a football appearance list but I don't know how it works how will i get it to increase the numbers every time a player is selected
As you can see I have tried copying a football appearance list but I don't know how it works how will i get it to increase the numbers every time a player is selected
Well Chilhiro I have sussed it out works great many thanks for your time and trouble have a great day and a brilliant life