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Advanced Vlookup


Your question is too vague really. To get solution/suggestions that specifically suite your need, you should detail what type of "Advanced" VLOOUP tips and tricks you are seeking. Advanced is very subjective term ;) What's basic to one person may be advanced for another.

Depends on the need in my opinion.

If look up is left to right, and data is sorted. Double approximate VLOOKUP is much faster than Index/Match combo. As Marc's links demonstrate.

INDEX/MATCH's advantage over VLOOKUP is it's flexibility (Right to left lookup), array/range part of INDEX argument can be entire column/row without impacting performance, etc.

So if simple lookup, there's no advantage to using INDEX/MATCH over VLOOKUP. And VLOOKUP out performs INDEX/MATCH in data set, that's been optimized for lookup operation (sorted, left to right). This becomes especially pronounced when performing calculation on data over 200k rows.