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ADD curves in to existing XY scarter chart using VBA


Please help by providing a code to generate XY Scartter chart

the criteria is as below

Existing XY Chart is in the sheet ---> PLOT ..here the sheet name is PLOT

XY scarter chart is alreay existing

I need to add more curves into the existing chart

As there are more curves need to be added in to the existing chart, it is hard to type each curve name and the range in to the exiting chart hence the use of VBA code

Existing curves are as below

Name K1

Range X axis ='Calculations(1)'!$P$10:$P$30000

Range Y axis ='Calculations(1)'!$Q$10:$Q$30000

Name K2

Range X axis ='Calculations(1)'!$P$29950:$P$59950

Range Y axis ='Calculations(1)'!$Q$29950:$Q$59950


Now i need to add new curves as K3, K4 and so on


For the ranges 59900 ---89900; 89850 -----119850 ; 119800 -----149800 and so on

So to include the above in the already existing XY scarter chart please provide vba CODE


I think the following VBA code will do what you need:

Just remember that you are adding 30,000 points per series and it will add them quickly

and soon your machine will be geologically slow.

In the data file below, You need to add more data in Columns P&Q as the script stops when it finds a blank value every 29950 cells

I deleted the data to save space

Sub Add_Series()

Dim SN As Integer
Dim XValue As String, YValue As String, SName As String
Dim i As Long, myRng As Long
Dim WSht As String

WSht = "Plot" 'Your file was  "Calculations(1)"


SN = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count + 1

ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(SN).Name = "=""K1"""
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(SN).XValues = "='Calculations(1)'!$P$10:$P$30000"
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(SN).Values = "'Calculations(1)'!$Q$10:$Q$30000"

i = 2
myRng = 29950

Do While Cells(myRng, 16).Value <> ""

SN = SN + 1

SName = "K" + Trim(Str(i))
XValue = "='" + WSht + "'!$P$" + Trim(Str(myRng)) + ":$P$" + Trim(Str(myRng + 30000))
YValue = "='" + WSht + "'!$Q$" + Trim(Str(myRng)) + ":$Q$" + Trim(Str(myRng + 30000))

ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(SN).Name = SName
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(SN).XValues = XValue
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(SN).Values = YValue

i = i + 1
myRng = myRng + 29950


This is mocked up in: https://www.dropbox.com/s/stgqlel25ejk132/AddSeriestoChart.xlsb
Thank you very much HUI

Its perfectly working and i have successfully integrated with my work book

Hats offffff

It's a bit different to have to setup the ranges as a String variable especially with multiple " 's