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> Pilot Charts

I'm trying to get a simple plot using pilot charts. The example data I have is:

y-axis -> -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3

x-axis -> -5,-5,-3,0,1,2,2

I think what I need is a simple tutorial on how to create a simple pilot chart. I've googled but can't seem to get the plot I want. Do you have any suggestions on a simple tutorial? or can you tell me how to plot this.

I would arrange my data as

x-axis -> -5,-5,-3,0,1,2,2

y-axis -> -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3

and then just select the whole area including x-axis to 3 (2 rows, 8 columns)

Then Insert Chart and select Scatter Chart (Straight Line with markers or Smooth Line with Markers)

Adjust the chart size so that the X and Y axis are even

Adjust other chart properties to suit

For more info on Scatter Charts have a look at
