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3D References


New Member
I am currently working with about 50 sheets of data that are all in the same format.

I want to sum up the figures in specific cell positions (i.e. Sum up everything cell B2 for each sheet) and found that I could use 3D references.

From, http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/consolidate-data-in-multiple-worksheets-HP010095249.aspx though - they use the formula of =SUM(Sales:Marketing!A2)

where I am assuming the format is =SUM(name of first sheet: name of last sheet! position of cell to add)

I tried using my own sheet names (OF01 to OM01) and the formula changes automatically to =SUM(OF1:'OM01'!B2)

It first omits the zero in OF01. And secondly, it adds quotation marks around OM01.

In the end, it does not work.

Is there something I am missing?

Hi jade,

It worked OK for me, what you could try is putting a sheet before your group and a sheet after, say call them "First" and "Last" like so

=SUM(First:Last!B2) see if that works

It looks like Excel is trying to make the first OF01 into a cell reference

I would use the following
