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2003 – 2007 Array issue - Data issue ?


New Member
Ive created a spreadsheet in 2007 that ive saved as 2003 compatible.

I copy some data from an intranet webpage download and paste it into the ccdb_reports tab.

On the 1123 tab I have an array.


This array works perfectly in 2007 yet only works in 2003 if I do not copy the data into the ccdb_reports tab.

Can someone please tell me whats going on, cheers.

have you tried the NON Array Formula ?

thanks Hui but that didnt work either, again it worked unitl the update.

when i downlad the file i do get a message

the file you are trying to download is in a different format than the file extension, verify that the file is not corrupted etc etc

its looking more likely that 2003 doesnt like the download from the web
There may be some non-printable or other strange characters in the download or copy from the web which is upsetting things

Check the data looks ok

Try copying the 2 columns of data by 1,

Copy a cell with value 1 in it and paste Special Multiply across the 2 columns
Thanks Hui, im still not sure whats going on but have resloved it now

ive changed the column references B:B and D:D to B7:B20000 etc

not ideal but it works in both 2003 and 2007 and we should never see 20000 issues.
