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1st and 2nd Units Dates & Times for Police Responses


New Member
Hi All,

I’ve got a bit of a challenge on my hands, and wondered if you could help.

I have a long (300K rows) list of police responses, where I need to identify the 1st earliest and 2nd earliest OnScene and Enroute date/times out of all units responding for each incident.

I’ve included a subset of my larger data set so you get the idea.

The first column is the incident number. (The data subset I included is for one single incident, so all the numbers are the same here.)

The OnSceneDTS and EnRouteDTS columns contains the values I need to look up.

Notice that some date/time values are null, and hence need to be ignored. (e.g., if there’s no date/time, they never arrived at the scene).

I’ve been trying to work with compound MinIF and SmallIF array formulas, but am getting the blank cells mixed in.

Can you help?

Thanks a million.



  • Data Subset.xlsx
    21.9 KB · Views: 4
Hey Chihiro,

Thanks a million! This works beautifully. I want you to know that you helped me solve a big problem for a Sheriffs department that serves 430K people.

This community of Excel gurus is just awesome.

Thank you all! :)
