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Search results

  1. S

    Reverse HLOOKUP [SOLVED]

    Thanks to all for your support. NARAYANK991, Below formula you gave it worked. It was awesome. :) =INDEX(Values,LARGE(IF(ISERR(SEARCH(substring,Names)),,COLUMN(Names)),1)) Amritansh, Formula you gave even that awesome but that did'nt worked for me because it did not support wildcard. Sujit
  2. S

    Reverse HLOOKUP [SOLVED]

    Hi SirJB7, The formula works This will not work for me because we are taking helper row to support the formula. Is there any other way by which I can get this output without helper formula. Below is my actual data table. There are different columns Previous Month, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr...
  3. S

    Reverse HLOOKUP [SOLVED]

    Hi, The am looking for a formula which will give me last occurance of string within a range. Also I am trying to use wild character within that formula. Lets say Aman Raj Akshay Raj Amit Raj Rajsawant Akshay 5 6 7 2 5 7 9 11 Below formula gives output as 6 but I need output as 9...
  4. S

    Reverse HLOOKUP [SOLVED]

    Example Aman Raj Akshay Raj Amit Raj 5 6 7 2 5 7 Below formula gives output as 6 but I need output as 7. =HLOOKUP("Raj",A1:F2,2,0) Basically output should be last occurrence of lookup value.
  5. S

    Reverse HLOOKUP [SOLVED]

    Hey, Can anyone help me in reverse hlookup from a table array. I need last column item as an output.