I have charts in my powerpoint slide and I have to often modify the chart data. That is, I modify the data into those embedded excel files in each of the chart. Would it be possible to connect to that excel file and modify the data using VBA.
@ S23: How are you planning to save your data into SharePoint - Would it be an excel file or on a SharePoint list?
Comment on Option 1: If excel files, you can command files in a SharePoint list just like you do with one saved on your local machine. Just disable the Checked Out option for...
I want to publish charts/tables on week on week basis and need to send it to distribution list as visual dashboard in emails. Any suggestions?
I have tried Ron De Brun's code, but its not giving the right clarity I am expecting. New suggestions?
I was looking for a working syntax: Below is what I found and seems to be working well.
SELECT * FROM [ODBC;Driver=SQL Server Native Client 10.0;SERVER=Your_Server_Name;DATABASE=DB_Name;UID=User_Login;PWD=Your_Password]
Its simple - Use PT.DataFields(1).Function = xlCount. PT being your PivotTable object.
You can use DataFields Index to loop through multiple data fields.
I am trying to import data from a SQL Server Table to MS Access Table. Could any help me on can I get it done?
I am using ADODB Connection and Select Into (from SQL Server to MS Access DB) query to perform this task. The VBA Code is written in MS Access Database.
@Hui: I have not tried recording but I believe 2007 recorder is not as good as 2003, but I will surely give it a try.
@Dan: Funny. Well this is something because of which even I have been scratching my head for months. I am using SharePoint 2007 and someone just told me its possible with .Net...
I have number of files with OLAP Pivots in SharePoint Document Library. All I am required to do is to refresh these files on a weekly basis and save them at the same location. However, this whole process is very very time consuming partially due to size of the files and partially due to poor...
Hello Chandoo,
Could you please suggest me the best/automated way to publish dashboards in the mail items. I want to publish charts/tables on week on week basis and need to send it to distribution list as visual dashboard in emails. Please suggest.