Thanks Hui but it's not exactly what I am after.
The result of the formula finds and returns a value from multiple sheets. I am after a formula that returns the name of the sheet where the value is found instead of the value itself.
I did a search on the forum and couldn't find a solution.
I have Employee Names across multiple sheets with each sheet representing a Division (sheet name).
I also have an input sheet where I have a list of all Employees. In the input sheet I want a quick way to identify which...
Obviously I'm not logical enough!
I tried this but it didn't work. =SUMPRODUCT(($A:$A=$C276))*($I:$I)*(L:L)
Where column A searches for the dept code in cell C276 (180), Column I and Column L are the two columns I want to apply the Sumproduct to.
Thanks but not quite what I need.
I need the formula to be able to change based on the change in department code. If I use the formula you suggested, it will always look for "100" but I need it to recognise the different department code. Noting that the different department codes have...
I want to be able to run a SUMPRODUCT formula for changing criteria.
I have different department codes for employees, example below.
Dept Employee Salary Proportion Effort for Product A Effort for Product B
100 Jim 10% 70% 30%
100 Bill 20% 20% 80%
200 Peter 60% 30%...
Thankyou Hui and Harry for your comments.
Harry - I do like pivot tables for summarising data but have found it a bit inflexible when it comes to reporting. I've begun to move away from pivot tables, and am using the Sumproduct formula more.
I wanted to use the sumproduct formula but with the ability to recognise when the criteria changed.
See Example below.
I'm using | as column separators.
Cost Centre | Employee | Employee% | Employee Effort
100 | Bob | 50% | 30%
100 | Jim | 50% |...
Thankyou for your quick responses.
I just couldn't see how there could be an error in the formula so I checked for errors in the data table. I found an error in row 4000 (about that row). Once I fixed the error my formula worked. I should have checked that earlier and not wasted your time...
I am having problems with my Sumproduct formula.
If I type the following, it returns a value correctly.
If I increase the data range, it returns a #N/A error.