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Search results

  1. S

    How can I make custom data label colors conditional by text value?

    Thanks so much for your help. To be clear, I can change the text color using conditional formatting in the A column, but I can't get it to reflect on the chart. Basically: A2:A52 Colors: Massachusetts - Red Conn - Blue VT - Green NH (black, so leaving it since I believe there can only...
  2. S

    How can I make custom data label colors conditional by text value?

    Yes. Right now I have 50 cells plotted. I may expand to 100, but for now I have a range of 50 cells.
  3. S

    How can I make custom data label colors conditional by text value?

    I am working to create an XY Graph that shows XY value, but also has different data types called out by region(i.e. Values for each State). I have created conditional formatting to create custom data labels. My challenge is there is a drop down menu where the state the value comes from is...