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Search results

  1. D

    Read Data from Web Form to Excel Sheet Using VBA

    Hi all, Thanks for the help :) Can you guys tell me how to pilot IE in this case? I badly need to get this work done :(
  2. D

    Read Data from Web Form to Excel Sheet Using VBA

    SirJB7, Thanks a lot! eagerly awaiting your reply :)
  3. D

    Read Data from Web Form to Excel Sheet Using VBA

    Hi Guys, Thanks. Can you tell me how to modify and use the code in http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/specific-data-and-html-beyond-excels-capabilities to get above output.
  4. D

    Read Data from Web Form to Excel Sheet Using VBA

    Hi SirJB7, I am still a newbie in VBA, so could not get a hold to use the code in http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/specific-data-and-html-beyond-excels-capabilities to solve my problem. In my excel sheet, these is the first row: From SendCurrency Destination Receiveoption 50 100 From...
  5. D

    Specific Data and HTML - Beyond Excel's capabilities

    Hi SirJB7 Thank you :) I have created a new post at http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/read-data-from-web-form-to-excel-sheet-using-vba?replies=1#post-95046 Regards Debmala
  6. D

    Read Data from Web Form to Excel Sheet Using VBA

    Hi Everyone, I am new to VBA and I need to fetch values from following form into excel sheet. https://www.moneygram.com/wps/portal/moneygramonline/home/estimator?LC=en-US Once the user clicks on estimate, the exchange rate is displayed. The excel sheet will have column headings as the field...
  7. D

    Specific Data and HTML - Beyond Excel's capabilities

    Hi Everyone, I am new to VBA and I need to fetch values from following form into excel sheet. https://www.moneygram.com/wps/portal/moneygramonline/home/estimator?LC=en-US Once the user clicks on estimate, the exchange rate is displayed. The excel sheet will have column headings as the field...