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  1. D

    Copy Data From Other Sheet Vba

    I solved it. :)
  2. D

    Copy Data From Other Sheet Vba

    I just saw that the range is wrong... that will be E34:I34.
  3. D

    Copy Data From Other Sheet Vba

    Hey guys, a similiar but probably easier problem: I need to copy a row of five cells from every sheet in the wb (same cells every sheet) to a new sheet. The rows should appear in cells B2:F2 and downwards. I think i got the copy part right but i habe no idea how to do the paste part. Sub...
  4. D

    VBA Loop - delete worksheet based on cell value

    Hey Dave, this seems to work! Thanks you so much :) David
  5. D

    VBA Loop - delete worksheet based on cell value

    Hey Guys, I have a very similar task to perform in a workbook. In my case, its not a single cell though. If the sum of cells D55 to O55 is 0, the sheet must be deleted. What modifications are necessary to accomplish this? Best, David