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  1. D

    Inserting rows using IF function

    the data unit identifier is standard only the same. there wont be diff data identifiers. it wont change other than what is written in the file. And yes u got my point there will be multiple information objects(IO). thats the ONLY varying property. The no of IOs are purely based on only D5 or...
  2. D

    Inserting rows using IF function

    ultimately the end user will have the frame in hexa column only. as the user enters the frame in hexa column the other columns will be calculated from the formulas entered in their respective columns. the block on the top of the sheet is the OK one. i am making an excel file to analyse the data...
  3. D

    Inserting rows using IF function

    hui please check, i have added the file. there are ssome grouped rows in the first worksheet. those are the rows i need to add w.r.t the lenght row. and also now i have grouped i m not able to collapse the group after protection. id there any way to allow collapsing even when locked. pls help...
  4. D

    Inserting rows using IF function

    hi hui.. the full set of rules i dono how to post over here.. any ideas on how i can explain you.. may be i can share u the excel file...
  5. D

    Inserting rows using IF function

    HI I got an idea for inserting the set of row and columns.. i am using the group command. it looks much better.. the thing is u should need to know a bit about the signals then its easy. but now i got another challenge. when i protect the sheet. the group is not working... i mean i am not able...
  6. D

    Inserting rows using IF function

    my data is a series of hexa decimal characters. the no of hexa decimal characters varies. so there is one hexa decimal character which tells how many hexa decimal characters are going to be there in a single data. so i planned to insert rows acc to the no of cell. more over i have to insert...
  7. D

    Inserting rows using IF function

    Hi Hui, I am just taking a frame (its a signal, consisting of hexadecimal characters) and then each hexa decimal character means some information about the particular signal. its like decoding the signal. we have reference documents for them. i assigned the equivalent values for hexa decimal...
  8. D

    Inserting rows using IF function

    Hi excELITES, Good day. Please help with this doubt. Can we insert a row after a particular row using IF function for a particular value in a cell. Eg: IF(d11=1, if true insert 3 rows after A20, else any false condn) Or else for the same IF function can we paste the particular block(rows x...
  9. D

    is this a LOOKUP related doubt?

    Hi everybody i have a doubt.. Kindly pls help. normally we use look up considering all the data in the whole of a cell. now i have a single cell consisting of binary nos. eg,11001100. can i use look up for every single bit(digit) in the cell. For eg if the first bit is 0 then it should be "fixed...