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Search results

  1. J

    Delete duplicate

    Hi On Sheet1 Cell D2 I have a dropdown where the name can be selected. This then populates the Label1.Caption on a UserForm. I have the UserForm where details are entered and when the 'Continue' command button is clicked the data is saved to a sheet (Sheet2). On clicking the command button on...
  2. J

    Loop to hide checkboxes based on cell value

    Amazing. Thank you. I was trying to use .TopLeftCell but couldn't get my head around it to make it work.
  3. J

    Loop to hide checkboxes based on cell value

    Hi herofox, Here's a basic version of the sheet.
  4. J

    Loop to hide checkboxes based on cell value

    Hi, I've attached a basic file that has the elements needed on the sheet.
  5. J

    Loop to hide checkboxes based on cell value

    Hi I'm trying to create a procedure to hide a number of checkboxes based on if column A is empty or not. So if for a single check box I've used >>> use code - tags <<< If Range("A11").Value = "" Then ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes("Check Box 2").Visible = False Else ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes("Check Box...
  6. J

    Referencing 2 variable cell values

    Hi, I would like to find a formula for cell M6 that will look at cell H1 and look to match with either B1, C1 or D1. I would then like it to look at cell H6 and to see if H6(unit title) is Yes or No under that course. I hope that explains it clearly enough. Thanks, Jeff
  7. J

    Array Formula OR statement help [SOLVED]

    Thanks Haseeb, That has worked brilliantly. Thank you, Jeff.
  8. J

    Array Formula OR statement help [SOLVED]

    Hi, I am trying to use an array formula with an if statement but would like it to check two cell references instead of just one. My current formula is as follows where $C$1 contains the data to check against...
  9. J

    Extracting from a list

    Thanks Hui Thats sorted my problem. Thanks.
  10. J

    Extracting from a list

    Hi I am having a problem and was wondering if there is a formula that could help. I have a workbook containing 3 columns A(group), B(first name), C(surname)with people in surname alphabetical order. I am trying to extract a list on to another worksheet only those people from group 1 in a...