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Search results

  1. G

    Excel Beginner - How to create a simple elegant chart?

    Thank you Hui, I will try some of your suggestions. I like the idea of the lighter gridlines. I think I'm going to start going through some of the tutorials on here and just get different ideas on how to create charts. Thank you for your input!
  2. G

    Excel Beginner - How to create a simple elegant chart?

    Thank you Dan, yes the zero values is the problem. Is there any way to get rid of them? For example, just display the bars that have values?
  3. G

    Excel Beginner - How to create a simple elegant chart?

    Hello all, This is my first post so please be kind!! Question/Challenge: I'm looking for a way to display lots of information in a chart, without the bars becoming very thin and having lots of white space between the bars. I have tried for hours and cannot seem to figure out the best way to...