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Search results

  1. A

    Hide columns if certain value is found in another column

    hi guys, Need some help with a macro that can hide certain columns if a certain value is not found in another column I have the financial Analysis sheet that has column names as below: Totals A A1 B B1 C C1 D D1 On the BPCS summary sheet, i have the column Detection Source that lists out A...
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    Auto refresh and email

    Hi Dave. Made some minor changes and it works like a charm. Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("01:00") is changed to Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("01:00:00") ' to run the macro every hour . Thanks Much!
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    Auto refresh and email

    Thanks for the inputs Dave.. I will need to mail in the values from the pivot. without the data link to the dump sheet. ( similar to copy-paste only values)
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    Rename Sheet name for all the excel files within the folder

    Thanks Shrivallabha..i am trying to get that macro working and i have stumbled across another issue as there is a broken linked document in each of the files in that folder. there is an pop up to " Update/ don't update/cancel" every time the macro wants to open the file. regardless of which...
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    Auto refresh and email

    Hi Gurus, I have a challenging requirement in my work and want your expert advice on this. I have a report that I need to run every one hour to check on the team performance on an hourly basis. Basically, i have a excel file that is connected to the CRM database using a ODBC connection that...
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    Rename Sheet name for all the excel files within the folder

    Thanks Anupam. There are 2 errors. ( Compile error. Variable not defined) Set wb = ThisWorkbook For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
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    Rename Sheet name for all the excel files within the folder

    Excel Ninja. Please rescue :)
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    Rename Sheet name for all the excel files within the folder

    hi! Unfortunately, its still the same result. I did close all other excel files and followed the above instructions. Lots of irrelevant excel files are opening up from my C drive, my documents, etc and the macro hangs after opening about 25 files.All opened files remain open as well.
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    Rename Sheet name for all the excel files within the folder

    Hi Suresh, I set the right path as advised. something not working right with the macro. its opening multiple excel files and not closing them. approx 100 of them.
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    Rename Sheet name for all the excel files within the folder

    Hi Gurus, Need some help with the macro on this subject. I have a folder with multiple xls and xlsx files in it. All the files have a sheet titled " 1. St Request" within them. I want to rename the sheet name to "1. Suite Request" for all the files. Please let know if there an efficient...
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    Extract alphanumeric values from the cell with a specific prefix

    It works like a charm!! Thanks Shrival(excuse me if I have got the name wrong) & Narayan!! Edit : Except if there is a mention of a 'W' or 'L' in any of the previous words. i have around 50 errors encountered.I will attempt to clean those up manually. If anyone is willing to fix this to be...
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    Extract alphanumeric values from the cell with a specific prefix

    Thanks Shrival... used =--MID(A1,MIN(SEARCH("L?",A1,1),SEARCH("W?",A1,1))+1,8) i get the output as below. 11102787 11162873 11165762 11171145 45001779 Part B of the issue- how do i get the L or the W prefix to this output?
  13. A

    Extract alphanumeric values from the cell with a specific prefix

    I had used the search function earlier. The output when used on the above pasted data is 45 35 34 56 55 instead of 11102787 11162873 11165762 11171145 45991779
  14. A

    Extract alphanumeric values from the cell with a specific prefix

    Hi Narayan, thanks for the reply. Below is the sample data( copy+pate). It is slightly tricky because the same cell can have more than one alphanumeric and I am looking at extracting only the ones that start with L or W. Notes Tan is requesting Termination for Ati S811E/L11102787 wef 14 March...
  15. A

    Consolidate sheets(+new added sheets)into Master sheet+sum by date Customer

    u will have to create a sheet titled 'Master' for this macro to work.( without the ' ') Sub CombineData() Dim Sht As Worksheet For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If Sht.Name <> "Master" Then Sht.Select Range("A:A").Insert Range("A26").Formula =...
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    Extract alphanumeric values from the cell with a specific prefix

    Hi, I have this requirement to be able to extract L%%%%%%%% or W%%%%%%%% values from a cell. I need the L%%%%%%% or the W%%%%%% copied from the source cell and pasted in another cell on the same row. I have found macros on Chandoos that can extract the %%%%%%% without the 'L' or the 'W'...