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Search results

  1. R

    Making vlookup dynamic by using lastrow and lastcol

    How to make vlookup dynamic by using lastrow and lastcol vba code sub vlookup lastrow=12 lastcol=11 activecell.formular1c1="="vlookup(RC[-1],sheet2!r1c1:R"&lastrow&"C"&lastcol,column(c[2]),false"" i want write vlookup like above while assing &lastrow and &lastcol it is giving error how...
  2. R

    calculte 12 months based on forecast quarter values

    Thank You Ninja But my forecast file changes for every quater Than q1 becomes apr- may q2 becomes jul-sep q3 becomes oct-dec q4 becomes jan-14-mar-14 q4 becomes apr-14-jun-14 For next quarte the new i.e for 3rd quarter q1 --> jul-sep q2 --> oct-dec q3 --> jan-14 -mar -14...
  3. R

    calculte 12 months based on forecast quarter values

    My Fore cast file contains six quurter columns based on these six columns i have to crete 12 month columns.these month columns are dynamic example if this month is march 12 columns are march-2013,apr-2013,-----------------,feb-2014 Final forecast file looks like this...
  4. R

    calculte 12 months based on forecast quarter values

    My Fore cast file contains six quurter columns based on these six columns i have to crete 12 month columns.these month columns are dynamic example if this month is march 12 columns are march-2013,apr-2013,-----------------,feb-2014 Final forecast file looks like this...
  5. R

    Creating 12 new dates based on Previous 13 dates

    hi I am Creating A Monthly Report For That I Have To Create 12 Dates Based On Previous 13 Dates My Created 12 Dates look Like This 13-mar,13-aPr,------,14-feb 13 is 2013,14 is 2014 If I Am Creating Report For Next Date My Dates Look Like This 13-apr,-----,13-Mar These 12 dates are 12...
  6. R

    Creating 12 new dates based on Previous 13 dates

    hi I am Creating A Monthly Report For That I Have To Create 12 Dates Based On Previous 13 Dates My Created 12 Dates look Like This 13-mar,13-aPr,------,14-feb 13 is 2013,14 is 2014 If I Am Creating Report For Next Date My Dates Look Like This 13-apr,-----,13-Mar These 12 dates are 12...