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Search results

  1. H

    Offset Function Help!

    Hi Everyone, There is a function called "offset" which helps to select the dynamic data range. I am wondering if there is any way i can select data till the second last row not the last row using this formula. Thanks in advance
  2. H

    Macro to extract required data on the basis of an account number.

    Hi Everyone, I have a "sheet 1" containing data in more than 10000 thousands rows and 300+ different accounts. Columns -Account, Vendor Name, Doc Number, Doc Date, Due Date, Net Date, Amount Rows -1660001, TJ Max , 123456 , 07/08/2011, 14/07/2011, 14/07/2011, $1000 There are...
  3. H

    VBA Run Error

    Hello Everyone ...I have prepared 18 pivots using VBA (recording) in 12 different sheets. I want to prepare a command center in sheet1 from where i can assign macros to various buttons and run them from their.But the problem is when i am trying to do that its not working.If i run these macros...
  4. H

    Error running in Macro active sheet

    Hi Everyone, Hope everybody is doing good. I have a strange issue. I've recorded a macro on Sheet3 and gave short cut key to it and it works fine whereas when i am assigning this macro to a button on sheet1 and when i run it, i am getting an error message and its taking me to VBA module and...
  5. H

    Calucate total amount of cost centre apply total at the end of each type of cc

    Hi Everyone, I am wondering if anyone can help in the following excel riddle. I do many extractions from the system at the end of the month. And Extractions look like below format. Cost centre starting from S and U representing two different entities. And frequency of these Cost centre is not...
  6. H

    Copy data from one sheet to another using Macro.

    Hi Hui, Yes, there are multiple lines with the same codes. For e.g 095 exists in 15 rows, 067 exists in 25 rows it's variable sometime less or more. One more thing there are other codes as well like 630,555,551 etc but i want the data only copied which contain the above mentioned codes. Thanks
  7. H

    Copy data from one sheet to another using Macro.

    Sheet 1 (RawData) StoreName Amount Units Accountid Codes Walmart $100 236 233445 095 Spartan $200 432 555444 065 Roundy $300 867 888777 066 Dazzel $400 548 565443 067 Brings $500 344 565443 513 Sheet 2 (DailyWork)...
  8. H

    Extract number from a alphanumerica string

    Cell A1 contains 00I6600000715 3/1/2010 i need to have in Cell B1 Just 16600000715. Solution -- =VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)),"I","1")) works fine! In addition to above scenario, I just figured out that there is a variation in Cell A1 That contains 00I6600000715 3/1/2010 sometimes...
  9. H

    How to hide formulas?

    Hi Everyone, Hope every is doing great. One quick question How do i hide formulas in a sheet and keep that sheet editable by others. Thanks in adance.
  10. H

    Extract number from a alphanumerica string

    Wow,It works. Thanks Excel Ninja
  11. H

    Extract number from a alphanumerica string

    Hi Everyone, Cell A1 contains 00I6600000715 3/1/2010 i need to have in Cell B1 Just 16600000715. Need to remove first two "zeros", convert "I" into number 1 and finally removing date from the string leaving only required data that is 16600000715. Any formula or macro to resolve the above...