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Search results

  1. J

    Using Named Cells to Define a Print Range

    I use Excel to import a recievables report from another piece of software. As you can appreciate it is not the same each time I import it. I have written a macro that does everything I want it to except define a range using a range name I define as Topleft (for say, cell A240) and Bottomright...
  2. J

    Old Lotus user

    I wrote phenomenal macros in Lotus 1-2-3 and yet I find the simplest things almost impossible to find in all my VBA manuals. I am constantly importing a file from another package - before it's any good to me I have to remove copius rows of blank cells and sort the result so I can manipulate...
  3. J

    Use Visual Basic to fill a range in a column with numbers

    As an old Lotus user much of my thinking is based on the way it worked. I have used Excel for some time now and know about the little black square I can use to drag a progression of numbers down to whatever I like, but how do I write the proceedure in a macro?
  4. J

    What happened?

    I asked two questions yesterday and got repsonses to each of them. The first almost worked but I got a Name error when applying it and had written back to see why that happened. The other was how to format my numbers so the negatives showed in red as (1,000.00). Fortunately I printed out the...
  5. J

    Culling similar dates from a series

    If I have a column of dates is there any way I can find out how many of them were for a particular period/month without setting up another column that has the formula =MONTH(x1)to interpret the data? In other words "How many January 2009's are there in this list?"
  6. J

    Favourite numeric format

    I like the custom numeric format #,###.00_);[RED](#,###.00);0.00 Is there any way I can set this up on my toolbar like the , format?
  7. J

    Nested Formula For Numbers and Text

    I have been trying to show a numeric total as mixed text and numeric like this: Balance $xxx,xxx.xx down to Balance $-xx,xxxx.xx The following formula works nicely for amounts over $10.00 but it always shows anything less than zero as Balance $-x,xxx.xx Does anyone know how I can get it to...