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  1. K

    Date Formatting

    Chandoo Sir Thank You very much.I'm feeling great to get the answer from a Guru Like you.
  2. K

    Date Formatting

    I think,I've solved the problem myself. Date is in cell C2,I applied the formula -=DATE(RIGHT(C2,4),MID(C2,4,2),LEFT(C2,2)). formatted the result cell into Date format-Austria(Germany).Got the result.
  3. K

    Date Formatting

    I've devised a method by completely splitting the date format by using right,left and mid functions.However not able to combine the whole into a single formula.Could you please suggest a better option?
  4. K

    Date Formatting

    Even the custom no.format is not working in this case.Dan is quiet correct this type of format is from SAP.I've tried other options,but failed.
  5. K

    Date Formatting

    I have date in this format - 30.11.2006.Now this is actually not the proper format for date.No conditional formatting can be applied,neither the difference between two dates in same format can be calculated.I've tried to format the cells but it isn't working.Now I want the dates to appear in the...
  6. K

    Rupee Symbol

    I have date in this format - 30.11.2006.Now this is actually not the proper format for date.No conditional formatting can be applied,neither the difference between two dates in same format can be calculated.I've tried to format the cells but it isn't working.Now I want the dates to appear in the...
  7. K

    Joining two formulas

    Hi Varak Your formula is perfect when we are ranking cell values in a row with few blank cells in between.But my question was whether we could make that cell value invalid which comes after adding a column where some cell values are missing.The cell value in this case would definitely be minimum.
  8. K

    Joining two formulas

    Each cell here contains a value that comes after adding several rows in a range above it.Now here some cells in the range may be without a value i.e. blank.Thus the value that comes after adding a range that contains a particular no.of blank cells should be ranked as invalid.
  9. K

    Joining two formulas

    Thanks Varak for the solution. your solution is perfect but the problem is that i have no.of blank cells in between.I have to rank only those cells which have a value.
  10. K

    Joining two formulas

    Hi this is Kishore. I want to join two formulas.I have used the formulas seperately and it has given results but when i combine them it leads to mishap.My formulas are - =IF(H6=1,"L1",if(h6=2,"L2",if(h6=3,"L3",if(h6=4,"L4",if(h6=5,"L5")))))...