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Search results

  1. F

    Matching row numbers

    Thanks! I figured it out. I wasn't fully understanding what was going on with INDEX, OFFSET and MATCH before I saw them working. I had in the end =INDEX(D2:E85,(MATCH(A2,D2:D85,0)),2) A2 being the value of the name, the fill for the combo box being in D and the addresses in E.
  2. F

    Matching row numbers

    Thanks for that Raja, although I am not sure it's what I am looking for. The user selects the name from a combo box. This is referenced to a cell, for argument's sake A1. I want to check if this is the same as any of the names in column B. If it is, I want to output the corresponding address...
  3. F

    Matching row numbers

    Hi All! I am trying to compare the value in one cell, say A1, with values in a column (B), and if they match, return the value of a cell in another column C that has the same row number as the matching value in B. Like: A1 --> John Smith B12 --> John Smith C12 --> 99 Maple...