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  1. Maria Clara

    Split Data in Multiple Workbooks according to cell value

    Luke, thank you so much .. It is just perfect! :DD Quick question: Some of the values on column 11 might sometimes have invalid characters, I've found the code below online but I'm not sure where I should include this on the code you gave me. Can you shed a light on this please? Sub Query()...
  2. Maria Clara

    Split Data in Multiple Workbooks according to cell value

    Sorry, Luke! Here you go !!! thanks again.
  3. Maria Clara

    Split Data in Multiple Workbooks according to cell value

    Please find the link for the file! Thanks a lot !!! http://www.sendspace.com/file/u8n1rr
  4. Maria Clara

    Split Data in Multiple Workbooks according to cell value

    Hi Luke, thanks !! I've just tested the code and it is still splitting the data on same spreadsheet and now the spreadsheet data are being duplicated after I run the code in each new sheet. Would you mind taking another look at the code? thanks again!
  5. Maria Clara

    Split Data in Multiple Workbooks according to cell value

    Hi Guys, I'm using the code below to split data into multiple sheets but instead of splitting it in the same sheet I'd like it to be split in a new workbook. I mean, open a new workbook for each cell value informed. Could anyone help me on this? thank you!!!! Sub Splitdatatosheets()...
  6. Maria Clara

    Not Run Macro if different value is found

    Hi guys, I need a macro to check in a specific column if there is at least one single value <> than the one stored on variable Plant, and if it does the macro should not run. I'm trying to use the code below but it does not check first for a <> value but to the same value and because of that...
  7. Maria Clara

    Lotus Notes w/HTML Signature - Please Help!

    Will do that, thank you for the tips !!!!!
  8. Maria Clara

    Lotus Notes w/HTML Signature - Please Help!

    Hello All, I'm utilizing the code below to send e-mail in Notes via VBA but when the user's signature is on html format I get the error below instead of the person's signature? Can anyone shed any light on that? Thank you! C:notesdatafooter2.htm "" Sub SendEmail()...
  9. Maria Clara

    Simple Filter

    Hello All, I'm utilizing the code below to filter a data in a Sheet. It does select the cells I want to filter but the filtered cells are not visible to me. Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="#N/D" Can you pls help me to correct the code? Thank you.
  10. Maria Clara

    Macro Vlookup - two sheets

    Hello All, hope you can help me again on this one :-) I have an spreadsheet with information from two different sources split in two tabs and I want to put all of them in one single tab for me to be able to calculate the lowest price properly. First tab - 'Automatic' - is the format I...
  11. Maria Clara

    Pivot Table Error - Minimum Value

    Hello All, I'm trying to create a pivot table to identify the lowest price paid in a product. It works fine until I add the supplier name on the table, then it shows me all the prices and not the lowest one. Please find below the example: http://www.sendspace.com/file/13d6rg Can anyone...
  12. Maria Clara

    For Next Loop Doubt - Deleting Rows

    Narayan, thank you for your explanation and help, it has worked perfectly. I'm still trying to get used with For Next Loop since I heard it is good for a lot of things so your explanation was very valuable. Shrivallabha, thank you so much for your help also, always interesting learning new...
  13. Maria Clara

    For Next Loop Doubt - Deleting Rows

    Hello All again, I'm having trouble in trying to write some for next loops. I have an spreadsheet with 9 columns and on the 8th column I have some rows that are with value 0 which I need to remove the entire Row. When I run the Macro below it does not remove all rows and I have to run it...
  14. Maria Clara

    Multiply a range according to a criteria - VBA

    Narayan, I've just tested as you said and it works PERFECTLY! Thank you SO MUCH for your help! Faseeh, thank you for your help too! Regards!
  15. Maria Clara

    Multiply a range according to a criteria - VBA

    Great! Thank you soo much! Can you give a tip about the numbers? After I run the macro the numbers are showing as text, is there a formula to change it back to numeric so as I don't have to do it manually? Thank you again! Below is the file updated: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4yrr2o
  16. Maria Clara

    Multiply a range according to a criteria - VBA

    Hello again, Narayan. I've change the code but when I try to execute nothing happens ... is that normal or am I doing something wrong? Below is the link with the file updated. Thank you!!! http://www.sendspace.com/file/bsu5tp Also, I'd like to study more about this, is it called For Next...
  17. Maria Clara

    Multiply a range according to a criteria - VBA

    Hi Narayan, thanks sooo much! It works just fine! I just have two more questions (sorry for so many). - One would be that the blank cells are now showing as 0, is there a way I can erase it and change it back to blank/empty on the same code? - And the other one would be that I need the...
  18. Maria Clara

    Multiply a range according to a criteria - VBA

    Hi Faseeh, thanks a lot for your response. I've tried to run it but I'm getting an error on the sentence below after the 'Then'. The message it's showing is 'Error in execution time 13': Incompatible types. If Cells(2, j) = "International" Then Cells(i + 1, j).Value = Cells(i + 1...
  19. Maria Clara

    Multiply a range according to a criteria - VBA

    Hello All, I'm new to VBA and I'm trying to write a code for the spreadsheet below but so far I had no success. http://www.sendspace.com/file/mu39la What I need to do is to multiply all values in each column by the number on column M if the values on range B2, C2 and so on are marked as...