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  1. G

    multiple if and condition

    Dear Friends, I am trying to use three AND condition to get the desired result IF($F$8="R")+IF(AND($B$26>729,$B$26<=1825)),(E17/730)*(B26/3) Condition 1 = IF($F$8="R") Condition 2 = IF($B$26>729) Condition 2 = IF($B$26<=1825) Desired result =(E17/730)*(B26/3) But the outcome is throwing...
  2. G

    lookup date for corresponding value

    Thank you friends
  3. G

    lookup date for corresponding value

    Hi... I am try to use hlookup for getting the corresponding date for the values mentioned. But Getting #NA sign. Kindly let me know what is the right formula to be used to solve this. Regards,
  4. G

    translate english text to arabic

    hi friends, Is it possible to translate english name to arabic ? Is there any code which can help me out. Regards, ganeshm
  5. G

    excel vba code for lookup

    thank you so much... i am just learning step by step. I will soon give my best
  6. G

    excel vba code for lookup

    thanks for the file. But i want to update interview status, which is enclosed in the 1st upload. 2nd attachment is only reference for you, it gives you vba code to understand how to work out. I tried but somewhere the formula goes wrong. Just wanted to understand where am i going wrong.
  7. G

    excel vba code for lookup

    yes... i am actually looking for a file like 2nd case. I type all data in master sheet, it collects the data and saves in next sheet. When required i type the name (or number), then i am able to view the complete data with edit option. Therefore, i would be glad to know the way i can sort out...
  8. G

    excel vba code for lookup

    hi vletm, The reason for vba is to edit the record in master sheet and retrieve when required. Posting a similar sample excel workbook for your reference. In this sheet, u can edit, retrieve and view... looking for a similar exercise in the previous enclosed excel workbook. Please refer and...
  9. G

    excel vba code for lookup

    Dear all, Need your assistance to solve the excel vba code in the enclosed excel file. i am trying to lookin values from the next sheet. By reading candidate name, the file needs to fill in the required boxes in the master sheet. kindly advise, Regards, ganeshm
  10. G

    vba code for vlookup

    Hi friends, Just a quick question, is it really not possible to apply bold to a specific text in a cell i.e. say B2 for example, holding vlookup formula ??
  11. G

    vba code for vlookup

    but i have a problem, the cell having vlookup is a variable. It keep changing as and when any new employee joins. Therefore, I don't want to keep it as constant. In such a case, is there any other option so that it reads vlookup.
  12. G

    vba code for vlookup

    So please guide me, how am i suppose to change that
  13. G

    vba code for vlookup

    Sub Bold() Range("D2").Characters(49, 7).Font.Bold = True Range("D2").Characters(WorksheetFunction.Find("Fixed", Range("D2").Value, 1), Len("Fixed")).Font.Bold = True End Sub The formula i used to change specific text in cell D2 to bold. I am trying the same with B2, but the formula doesn't...
  14. G

    vba code for vlookup

    Hi friends, Attached here is the excel file, wherein i have used macro code in module. In cell D2, i have the text written and have the code in place. the code works. In cell B2, i am trying to make amount and specific text in bold. (pls see D2 for reference), but it doesn't work. kindly guide...
  15. G

    index function to count the position

    Hi friends, I refer Supervisor in sheet 1 B10 and trying to count required supervisor as per the project start date and finish date. Kindly find attached the excel file and advice accordingly. EX 1 Position : Supervisor Check cell: $E$2 (Start Date) and $E$3 (Finish Date) in sheet 1, the...
  16. G

    How to read data from multiple sheets

    Hi all, I am confused and would like to know which formula is better to use, vlookup or index, for the attached sheets. The formula is supposedly required to read different columns and different rows in order to yield result. I know to use index formula for looking up straight column and row...
  17. G

    look up two different criteria for result

    thank you for the reply.
  18. G

    look up two different criteria for result

    thank you once again, it works in I2 as mentioned above. Conditions in cell: 1. Type dept. in B1, it gives result in ROW 3. 2. Type dept. in B1 & position in D1, it gives result in ROW 3. 3. Type only position in D1, i don't get result in row 3. For this, i used to following formula...
  19. G

    look up two different criteria for result

    hi.. Further to the above mentioned example, i tried and the following formula (with array) works fine, giving desired result as per the ranks: {=IFERROR(INDEX('Master File'!$A$2:$G$22,SMALL(IF(($B$1='Master File'!$E$2:$E$22)*ISNUMBER(SEARCH($D$1,'Master File'!$F$2:$F$22)),ROW('Master...
  20. G

    look up two different criteria for result

    Thank you so much. Just a quick question regarding the specific selection of function, What if i got to select only "Manager", rather than SENIOR category. Regards,
  21. G

    look up two different criteria for result

    hi all, I am trying to look up two different criteria in order to get result in the attached excel file, but i was successful with only one criteria. Need an idea as how to execute the formula for the second criteria too. File is attached for reference. Regards, ganeshm
  22. G

    Alternative for if condition

    great dude. Thanks for minimizing if condition. It helps me a lot.
  23. G

    Alternative for if condition

    Hi... I have posted an excel file containing if condition. I would like to reduce the formula as it is so lengthier in "B9". Is there any alternative formula for the same. Need ur advice. Regards, ganeshm
  24. G

    Index and match exact data

    Thank you.. i realize the mistake now. I didn't select Column C. Thank you once again.
  25. G

    Index and match exact data

    Dear Excel users, I am trying to use index and match formula to gather value of a particular cell. But the formula throws a wrong value. Kindly review and advice.