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Search results

  1. N

    Protecting Data Validation and Conditional Formatting

    Ickle, Thanks a lot for the suggestion - I looked into that possibility - however a number of data validation routines are setup to ensure the quality of data is accurate. Users entering the information get alerted if they are updating invalid information. If I were to gather to update the raw...
  2. N

    Protecting Data Validation and Conditional Formatting

    Hi, I recently created a new master spreadsheet so that team members can update their information in it instead of maintaining their own forms. The new spreadsheet has a # of conditional formatting and data validation built in (special thanks to Chandoo for the validation rule for Social...
  3. N

    Data Validation - Social Security #s

    Chandoo, You're simply the best - thanks a million - it works like a charm !
  4. N

    Data Validation - Social Security #s

    Hi my first post - hope this makes sense. I need to setup a data validation routine so users can enter ss # in the the standard format (including #s starting with 0) ie xxx-xx-xxxx I had setup the spreadsheet using the custom format but the users started entering values without the...