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Search results

  1. B

    How to get the number of hour between 2 date and time

    I am not getting correct formula to derive the value.
  2. B

    How to get the number of hour between 2 date and time

    Working Hours is 8hours. Time from 8am to 17pm. Excluding weekends Same day request completed also be captured
  3. B

    How to get the number of hour between 2 date and time

    Sorry i dont want to go for pay sites
  4. B

    How to get the number of hour between 2 date and time

    Please find the attached excel. Highlighted in the colour is the sample output. Expecting final out with hours, minutes, seconds. I need formula to derive. Excluding Weekends, Per day working hours is 8hours. It should calculate only weekdays Please do the needful. on quick assistance
  5. B

    How to get the number of hour between 2 date and time

    Hello All, I just wanted to know the formula for the below query. Start dates: 02/17/2023 09:15:26 02/23/2023 15:15:00 02/23/2023 14:20:25 End date: 02/24/2023 16:10:23 02/23/2023 16:30:02 02/24/2023 10:25:03 Results will be : No of hours taken between start date and end date (sample answer...
  6. B

    Find out Unique words in excel

    It' not working.... i check both the threads....getting error...compile error---User-defined type not defined...
  7. B

    Find out Unique words in excel

    Hi... I Have uploaded the workbook..In Sheet 1 has data from Cell A1 to S28....I Need to get the unique words list in a separate sheet... I need to get all the words some have upper case, lower case, same words starts with uppercase also... for eg: Arun, ARUN, arun, arun's, arun:, arun.... i...
  8. B

    Find out Unique words in excel

    I have tried this.. it won't work... because some name have caps and some have small letters... I have from Cell A1: to Cell AZ2000.... it needs some vba script or macro... please advise...
  9. B

    Find out Unique words in excel

    Hello, I have a query with regards to, how to find the unique words in excel and form the list of unique words in separate sheet... what formula needs to used or macro or vba...please help on this issue... Data: From A1 to AZ5000 cells have words... I need the unique words should be in...
  10. B

    Multiple Sheets in to one sheet

    I have 6 Sheets of data in one workbook... and I want to get all the 6 sheets of data in one sheet in other workbook file.. Please advise the formula or vbscript or macros
  11. B

    Count the number the letters in a cell

    Hi, I have a query with regards to Count the number of letters in a cell I can use =len() but the answer is other cell what I should I have to do, I want to get the answer in same cell For eg: A1= Never if we put the formula in B1 =len(A1) it gives 5 but the answer in B1 Cell --> No...
  12. B

    Pivot Table Query

    Can you a explain...
  13. B

    Pivot Table Query

    Hi, I have a query in the pivot table... How to get the blank cell in the pivot table. i used the formula =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(Data!C2,Data!$C$2:$C$30,1,0)),"",VLOOKUP(Data!C2,Data!$C$2:$C$30,1,0)) Data: A1: Company Name, B1---> Date, c1-----> Gold, D1---->Silver & E1----&#62...
  14. B

    How to get multiple sheets data into one sheet

    How to upload th work book here
  15. B

    How to get multiple sheets data into one sheet

    Hello, I have a query… How to Copy multiple sheet data to one sheet which has different customer names that to date wise. This has having same headings for multiple sheets... (Sheets I have 5) --- Based on this I have to create a pivot chart and pivot table on daily basis… Sheet 1 – Headings...
  16. B

    How to get the counts by datewise

    Got it.. Thank you very much
  17. B

    How to get the counts by datewise

    Hello, I have a query with regards to Counts, where i am working on the productivity sheet.. In Sheet one has -- No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Request: 45666 208956 201212 206878 207595 204568 203225 Date: 1-Dec-12 1-Dec-12 1-Dec-12 2-Dec-12 2-Dec-12 2-Dec-12 2-Dec-12 Silver: 1 3 3 3 5 0 Gold: 0...
  18. B

    How to get the counts by datewise

    I need the Count the number of cells which has silver and gold by different datewise. Not able to get the answer...
  19. B

    How to get the counts by datewise

    Hello, I have a query with regards to Counts, where i am working on the productivity sheet.. In Sheet one has -- No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Request: 45666 208956 201212 206878 207595 204568 203225 Date: 1-Dec-12 1-Dec-12 1-Dec-12...