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Search results

  1. E

    Sumproduct help? Please? :(

    You are a top man, thank you very much!!
  2. E

    Sumproduct help? Please? :(

    Hi, i want to do a sumif but want to use two criterias I have googled and used chandoo and come up with this =SUMPRODUCT(--($B$4:$B$25="Composites"),--($F$4:$F$25="100%"),$H$4:$H$25) But it just returns the value as zero, despite both criteria being met? I also want to do the same but...
  3. E

    Graph help

    Hi all, I have a graph which shows the projected sales figure (column chart) and budget (line graph). Is there a way i can have the column change to be red if it is under the budget/green if it is over it? I know i can do it manually by formatting the data point, just thought you guys may...
  4. E

    Charts with Drill Down???

    Thanks buddy. I'll be honest, my bumhole twitches with intrepidation as soon as i see VBA. I guess i need to (begin to) learn it sooner or later!! *gulps and clicks link*
  5. E

    Charts with Drill Down???

    Guys, love the website, the forum has been really helpful to me over the last few months but i have a question.... Can i make drillable charts in excel? The data table is not pivoted. I have zero Visual Basic knowledge. Can anyone help me?? Please?! (For info, the charts shows Load vs...