Hello everyone, its been an awesome day learning excel everyday.
And this site made me love to learn more about the potential of excel. Thanks
to Chandoo and his passion for excel, it's really addicting. Anyway,
I just want to ask your opinion regarding the use of excel just like a word...
Hi I have a worksheet with a list of different documents and forms, some titles contain same text as other documents, i.e.doc1="safety monitoring form", doc2="maintenance monitoring process". My question is that, is there a formulas that i can use to display these documents, say these examples...
hi hui, thanks for the reply...i will try this. Regarding you question, I just want to work on a common worksheet without having changing sheet. Like a dashboard, where i can work on the same page and linking all the others.
hi all, this is my first time in the forum, my question is that how can i edit a cell which is in reference/link to another sheet(masterlist sheet), is there a way in which i will not go to the masterlist sheet, if i edit the current cell it display the formulas. but not the actual data...